News From The Calcium Community
Please get in touch with us If you want to share news with the calcium community.Posted
October, 2024
Call for sessions for ECS2026
We would like to launch the call for Sessions for the ECS2026 meeting in Doha, Qatar.
All ECS members can propose session topics. Each proposal should contain a brief introduction of the thematic focus of the session and should include the names of three potential speakers. We ask to keep in mind a diverse line-up of speakers in terms of geographic location, career stage, gender. Moreover, speakers invited to ECS2024 meetings should not be proposed. Please only contact your speakers after your session has been selected.
Please send your proposal to [email protected] not later than December 1st, 2024 with subject line: [ECS2026post]: ECS session *topic*_*your name*
October, 2024
Future ECS meetings
We bring you an impressive list of upcoming ECS meetings. Moreover, we have shifted our Main Meetings to avoid direct competition with other major conferences on calcium signaling and ion channels organized in Europe in the even years. With this move, we hope to achieve a better complementarity with other conference series. However, we now also would like to ask the community to consider these ECS Main Meetings when planning and organizing future conferences.
(i) Main ECS meetings
- The 18th meeting of the ECS (ECS2026) will be organized by Khaled Machaca (Weill Cornell Medicine, Qatar) in Doha, Qatar. The dates are set at February 1st to 4th, 2026. The meeting will be preceded by a junior ECS symposium.
- The 19th meeting of the ECS (ECS2027) has been shifted to 2027 (instead of 2028). The meeting will be organized by Michael Overgaard, Malene Brohus, Helene Halkjaer Jensen in Aalborg, Denmark. The meeting is scheduled in September, 2027.
(ii) ECS symposia
- The 11th ECS Symposium "Crosstalks between Ca2+ and adenine nucleotides” will be organized in 2025 by Björn Diercks and Barbar Niemeyer. The event will take place in Hamburg, Germany and is scheduled from September 10th to 12th, 2025 (Wednesday to Friday).
- The 12th ECS Symposium “Calcium and Ageing” will be organized in 2026 by Carlos Villalobos & team. The event will take place in Spain. Further information about dates will be communicated.
January, 2024
ECS webinars 2024 series
We are thrilled to announce the return of the ECS Webinars for the year 2024. This exciting initiative, organized by Jens Loncke, Manon Callens, and Femke Speelman-Rooms, promises to be a cornerstone in exchanging knowledge and collaboration within our community.
The ECS Webinars will host a series of five sessions throughout the year, each delving into diverse topics within our field.
Every webinar will feature one lecture (25'-30' + 15' Q&A) chosen by the ECS board, accompanied by one short talk (12'-15' + 10' Q&A) selected by the jECS board from submitted abstracts.
The first webinar on Wednesday February 28th starting at 5.00 PM CET will feature Jonathan Marchant (Dep. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy; Medical College of Wisconsin Stay): “TRP drop, TRP drop: a steady patter of Ca2+ channel illumination as targets for treating neglected tropical disease”. Please stay tuned for further announcements regarding the speakers for the upcoming webinars.
Furthermore, we would like to highly encourage Early Career Researchers to send in abstracts for presenting a short talk. This is a unique opportunity to share your research and insights with our community.
Important information:
- Call for Abstracts: Early Career Researchers (PhD/post-doc) are invited to submit abstracts for consideration to present a short talk during the webinars. The deadline for abstract submissions of the first webinar is February 16th.
- Submission Process: To submit your abstract and indicate your preferred presentation date, you can click here.
- Webinar Dates: February 28th 5.00 PM CET (Kick-off), soon we will share more information about the other webinars.
- An overview of the future webinars, as well as a list and links to recordings of previous webinars can be found on this google sheet
We hope many of our ECS members will participate in these webinars to engage in discussions, gain insights into varied topics, and connect with fellow researchers from around the world.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinars. For further information, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]
January, 2024
Registration ECS2024 now open!
Please visit:
The 17th International meeting of the ECS will be held at Homerton College, Cambridge on Sep 1-4, 2024.
Early bird fees for ECS members are £520 (£330 early Career Researchers). This will include evening meals and the Gala dinner.
The meeting will be preceded by the meeting of the junior ECS (Aug 31 – Sep 1) aimed at early career Researchers. Early bird fee for members is £50 (and includes accommodation on Aug 31). *Places limited*
We have 10 Early Career Travel Fellowships (300 Euros) and up to 3 Emerging Countries Travel Fellowships (600 Euros) available. Please indicate during registration whether you would like to be considered.
Two poster prizes (250 Euros) are also available.
And two prizes from Peer J for the jECS meeting (free publication in any PeerJ journal, subject to peer review, and published interview on blog site.
January, 2024
Reminders for calls for ECS2025 symposia and ECS2026/2028 main meetings
Call for ECS2025 symposia (formerly known as “workshops”). We would like to highlight the opportunity to our members to propose a focused ECS symposium in 2025. Symposia typically last about 3 days and focus on a specific topic and aspect of Ca2+ research.
The organizers have the freedom to propose any topic and establish a program with invited speakers, short talks selected from abstracts (preferably assigned to early career researchers) and poster sessions.
The ECS will directly sponsor the event (up to 4000 euro), whereby organizers should raise additional funds via funding agencies & sponsors. Proposals for an ECS Symposium should be sent to [email protected] before February 14th 2024.
While nothing is yet carved in stone, there are plans to organize an ECS day at the Ion Channel Society meeting in Sete, France, typically early September 2025 and a joint symposium with the Signal Transduction Society in Weimar, Germany, typically November 2025. While final decisions for those events still need to be settled, we think it’s safe to avoid the September/November period in your proposal (as well as June 2025 given the FASEB meeting around that period).
Given these initiatives, the ECS Board aims to organize only 1 ECS workshop in 2025.
Call for the main international ECS meetings in 2026 and 2028: Furthermore, you can find the joint call for organizing the main ECS meetings in 2026 and 2028!
A separate PDF document provides further background information and recommendations for your proposal. We look forward to proposals from our ECS members.
We ask to send your candidacy letters to [email protected] before February 14th 2024. The aim is to have a decision for both ECS2026 and ECS2028 meetings in late spring 2024 and announcement at ECS2024 meeting in Cambridge.
January, 2024
We have been reflecting on the current situation in Ukraine and have assembled opinions and suggestions from the European and US points of view. The bottom line was to express our deep sympathy and compassion for Ukrainian residents that suffer from the current disruptive situation. Accordingly, we realized that helping our colleagues, scientists and researchers is an absolute necessity that is urgently at stake here.
Moreover, ECS feels strongly committed to our Ukrainian colleagues who are severely suffering. ECS has and keeps on offering free membership to all Ukrainian-based researchers and waives registration for attending ECS events.
December, 2023
ECS2024 meeting information
The website for the meeting (Sep 1 -4, 2024, Cambridge, UK) will soon go live. So please visit for further information about the program, deadline for registration & abstract submission, fees and other practical arrangements in terms of accommodation.
Highlights include:
- Opening Lecture by Annette Dolphin (University College London, UK)
- Claude Klee lecture (*new) by Martha Cyert (Stanford University, CA)
- Sir Michael Berridge lecture by Gaiti Hasan (National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India)
- Eleven Scientific Sessions (see below) covering Ca2+ signaling at membrane contact sites, Ca2+ pumps, Ca2+ binding proteins, second messengers, Ca2+ dysfunction and emerging technology.
- Poster sessions and two associated ‘Flash’ Talk sessions for up to 16 short talks.
- A late-breaking session featuring the most up-to-date research.
- A preceding one day Junior ECS meeting (Aug 31st, 2024) focused on students, postdocs and early career researchers. We are pleased to announce that the cost for the jECS meeting will be a mere £50 (~60 Euros) and will include a nights accommodation. This subsidy is thanks to generous funding from the ECS and our sponsors. Places are limited. So register as soon as registration opens in 2024!
- Prize-winning talks from the jECS meeting.
December, 2023
Call for the main ECS meetings in 2026 and 2028
You can find the joint call for organizing the main ECS meetings in 2026 and 2028! A separate PDF document provides further background information and recommendations for your proposal. We look forward to proposals from our ECS members.
We ask to send your candidacy letters to [email protected] before February 14th 2024. The aim is to have a decision for both ECS2026 and ECS2028 meetings in late spring 2024 and announcement at ECS2024 meeting in Cambridge.
December, 2023
Call for ECS2025 symposia (formerly known as “workshops”)
We would like to highlight the opportunity to our members to propose a focused ECS symposium in 2025. Symposia typically last about 3 days and focus on a specific topic and aspect of Ca2+ research. The organizers have the freedom to propose any topic and establish a program with invited speakers, short talks selected from abstracts (preferably assigned to early career researchers) and poster sessions. The ECS will directly sponsor the event (up to 4000 euro), whereby organizers should raise additional funds via funding agencies & sponsors. Proposals for an ECS Symposium should be sent to [email protected] before February 14th 2024. While nothing is yet carved in stone, there are plans to organize an ECS day at the Ion Channel Society meeting in Sete, France, typically early September 2025 and a joint symposium with the Signal Transduction Society in Weimar, Germany, typically November 2025. While final decisions for those events still need to be settled, we think it’s safe to avoid the September/November period in your proposal (as well as June 2025 given the FASEB meeting around that period). Given these initiatives, the ECS Board aims to organize only 1 ECS symposium in 2025.
February, 2022
10th Workshop of the European Calcium Society
The website for the 10th ECS workshop 'The Ca2+ signaling toolkit in cell function, health and disease' in honor of Jan Parys, november 15-17, 2023 is online.

February, 2022
9th Workshop of the European Calcium Society
The website for the 9th workshop of the ECS "Mitochondrial Ca2+ Signaling in Health and Disease" organized in Padua, Italy 7-9 September 2023 is online.

September, 2022
ECS Board news: Open call for 3 new Board members
At the last GA in Cork, Ireland, after more than a decade of service to the ECS, Jacek Kuźnicki (Warsaw, Poland), Marc Moreau (Toulouse, France) and former ECS President Catherine Leclerc (Toulouse, France) decided to put their Board position vacant and to enable other researchers to join the Board. We are very grateful to their longstanding contribution to the Society.
To fill these 3 open spots in ECS Board, we decided to launch an open call for new Board members, who wish to contribute to the future and the further development of the European Calcium Society. We therefore ask our members to nominate an ECS member or propose yourself before October 31st 2022.
Who should be nominated: We are looking for an active ECS member of the Ca2+ community, who has been contributing to be active in Ca2+ research in general and ECS events in particular with future active engagement in the ECS workings and ECS events. Board members will have the opportunity to shape the future of the ECS and to further develop the ECS by participating in Board meetings and will be asked to provide support to ECS activities & events. ECS members can nominate another ECS member or can nominate themselves.
The Board will apply the following principles to consider new Board members in addition to the contribution to ECS and Ca2+ research:
* we aim that the Board composition reflects the full diversity in scientific topics in Ca2+ research, including Ca2+-binding proteins, a topic that is currently underrepresented in the Board. We thus strongly encourage nominations for researchers covering this topic.
* we very much value geographic diversity in the Board within Europe and beyond. This means that also nominations outside Europe are possible. In this respect, ECS statutory rules restrict the number of ECS Board members / country to 2. In practice, this means that for this call ECS members from Belgium and Germany are not eligible as nominees for the ECS Board. We apologize to any researcher located in Belgium or Germany for not being able to join the Board at this moment.
* we strongly believe in equity, diversity & inclusion. For instance, the current ECS Board composition consists of 2 women and 6 men. We therefore strongly encourage nominations of women active in the Ca2+ field.
Nominations including a short motivation letter should be sent to [email protected] before October 31st 2022.
September, 2022
jECS Board News: Open call for new Board members
The junior European Calcium Society board is looking for early career researchers (ECRs) to join us!
The jECS board was founded in late 2018 with the goal providing resources, mentorship, and opportunities to the early career researchers in the calcium field. Our work has included the organization of 3 symposiums of ECR research, assistance in coordinating the ECS webinar series, and curation of the ECS Twitter account, @EuroCalcium.
We are excited to continue working for the ECRs in the calcium field with future events and outreach. We would love more researchers to join us to achieve this!
Who should apply: any researcher in the calcium field who identifies as an ECR is welcome to join, from students to junior group leaders. You do not need to reside within Europe, but you must be an ECS member (or willing to become one).
What being a jECS board member involves: we meet regularly over Zoom or Google Meet to brainstorm events and ways to promote ECR research and learning. Our regular tasks include conference organizing, generation of content for Twitter, and coordination with the main ECS board.
How to apply: please send a short summary about yourself and your motivation for becoming a part of the jECS board to [email protected] by October 31st, 2022.
July, 2022
ECS General Assembly
All members are invited to attend the ECS General Assembly YEAR 2021. We decided to organize it as a hybrid event (thank you Martin Bootman for your help!). The GA is organized on Wednesday 24th August 2022 at 4pm Irish time (i.e. 5pm CET). ECS2022 meeting attendees can attend the GA in-person in Cork, Ireland, while ECS members not attending the meeting can join the GA via the Google Meet platform, you can find the link in the infoletter of July. In the GA, we will also have short presentations by the organizing teams of the upcoming ECS workshops & meetings!
1) Welcome and adoption of the agenda
2) Presentation of the Activity Report 2021
4) Presentation of the Financial Report 2021
5) Discharge to ECS Board members
6) ECS website, memberships & payments (T. Luyten)
7) ECS Board composition
8) Honorary ECS members
9) jECS updates
10) Future ECS events
* presentation ECS2023 “mitochondria” workshop (P. Pizzo)
* presentation ECS2023 workshop emeritus in spe Jan Parys (G. Bultynck)
* presentation ECS2024 meeting (S. Patel)
11) ECS partnerships
12) Other points
July, 2022
ECS2022 meeting info
We are very excited to announce that the program of ECS2022 meeting (21-25 August, 2022; Cork, Ireland) has now been finalized. The organizing team led by John Mackrill, session chairs and Geert Bultynck, the scientific chair, were really impressed by the high quality of abstracts and the exciting science that will be presented at the meeting. Hence, the session chairs had a very challenging task to select the short talks, but they now have made their final selections. All short talk awardees have been contacted by the session chairs and the names/titles will very soon appear in the online program. All other abstracts have been accepted as poster. The selection for the Flash Symposium is in progress and the selected authors will be contacted by the chair Amalia Dolga.
It’s also important to stress that two early career researchers still will be selected by the jECS Board, after the jECS Symposium. So, there are still 2 short talks options at the main meeting.
Finally, the jECS Board is also busy finalizing the program of the jECS symposium (to held on 20 August, 2022). Their selections will soon be communicated to the selected authors.
Not yet registered? It’s still possible to join us: for more information!
April, 2022
Ca2+ Event “Ca2+ signaling in health, disease & therapy”
On Wednesday April 20th, 2022, the FWO-WOG network on “Ca2+ signaling in health, disease & therapy” is organizing its kickoff event (hybrid: in-person location is Campus Gasthuisberg ON5, KU Leuven; online via Teams). We will start at 1 pm CET. Please find the full and final program online with 3 sessions (Ca2+ signaling in physiology; Ca2+ signaling and cell function; New Ca2+ signaling tools & methods). The meeting brings together Ca2+ researchers to present their latest work and to foster collaborations in Ca2+ research within Flanders and between Flemish groups & international teams. Confirmed talks from the teams of Luc Leybaert, Thomas Voets, Llew Roderick, Hideaki Mizuno, Geert Bultynck, Pieter Vanden Berghe, Albena Jordanova, Martin Bootman & Joachim Goedhart.
You can find the Teams link to follow this event online in our latest Info-Letter to members.
April, 2022
Online symposium on Intracellular Ion Channels
On Monday April 25th, 2022, Prof. Albrecht Schwab (Münster) and Prof. Ivan Bogeski (Göttingen) (The special interest group "Ion Channels" of the German Physiological Society) organize an online symposium on Intracellular Ion Channels running from 3 – 5 pm CET. The meeting is organized as an online-only symposium that can be attended via Zoom. Please see the Info-Letter of April to members for the link.
Scientific program:
15:00 – 15:30 Prof. Geert Bultynck, Leuven, Belgium - IP3 receptor modulation as an integral part of the anti-apoptotic action of the BCL-2 family
15:30 - 16:00 Prof. Sandip Patel, University College, London, UK - Segregated cation flux by TPC2 biases calcium signaling through lysosomes
16:00 – 16:30 Dr. Maria Patron, MPI, Cologne, Germany - Regulation of mitochondrial proteostasis by the proton gradient
16:30 – 17:00 Prof. Christian Wahl-Schott, MHH, Hannover, Germany - Physiological functions of two-pore cation channels
April, 2022
Calcium signalling meeting celebrating the career of Professor Colin Taylor
On September 2nd, 2022, Martin Bootman, Ana Rossi, Sandip Patel, Jonathan Marchant & Taufiq Rahman will organize the Calcium signalling meeting celebrating the career of Professor Colin Taylor (Venue: Queens' College, Cambridge, CB3 9ET). All ECS members are welcome this 1-day calcium signalling symposium. The meeting will comprise of both talks and a poster session. Confirmed speakers include Colin Taylor, Jonathan Marchant, Ana Rossi, Sandip Patel, Adelina Ivanova, Graham Ladds, Peace Atakpa, Ian Parker, and David Yule. The committee looks forward to seeing you in September. In-person attendance is £20 per person registration fee that includes lunch and tea/coffee. For registration and further information, please visit:
February, 2022
ECS 2022 Meeting
We are very excited to share the news that the registration for the ECS2022 meeting in Cork, Ireland (August 21st to 25th 2022) has been opened. The meeting is preceded by the jECS symposium held on August 20th 2022. All information can be found on the meeting website with more information about the program on It’s important to note that the abstract submission deadline is Friday June 3rd 2022, which is also the deadline for early registration fees and to be considered for selection oral communications, the flash symposium and travel fellowships. As always, ECS members can register for our events at reduced fees!
February, 2022
Upcoming Ca2+ Meetings
We are very happy to advertise upcoming Ca2+-related events organized by our ECS members.
- Beth Stutzmann and Jonathan Soboloff, the organizers of the 2022 GRC-sponsored conference on Calcium Signaling, are now inviting applications for their meeting at Four Points Sheraton/Holiday Inn Express in Ventura, California, June 19-24, 2022. The full program has now been assembled: There will be 9 sessions including a keynote lecture by Richard Tsien and a power hour. In addition to the speakers listed in the flyer, we will identify 2 late-breaking speakers and short talks selected from posters, along with many group activities scheduled over the course of the conference.
- Colin Taylor (Cambridge University, UK) is retiring in 2022. ECS Board member Martin Bootman together with other colleagues is organizing 1-day calcium meeting to celebrate Colin's career on 2nd September in the marvelous Queens' College, Cambridge. More information will follow in a next newsletter.
- The FASEB SRC ‘NAD metabolism and signaling’ is co-organized by Andreas Guse (together with Vera Gobunova [Rochester], Raul Mostoslavsky [Harvard], Lee Kraus [Dallas]) and will take place at Steamboat, Colorado, June 26–30, 2022. Researchers interested in calcium-mobilizing 2nd messengers derived from NAD, such as NAADP or cyclic ADP-ribose, are very welcome to attend and get in touch with latest research news from the NAD (and calcium) field. Information and program can be found here:
January, 2022
ECS 2022 Meeting
As already previously communicated, the ECS2022 meeting organized by John MacKrill (together with Marcella Burke, Greg Jasionek, Jackie Maguire, Miriam O’Sullivan, Mark Rae, Nicola Redmond and jECS members Kimberley Stephenson & Michael Vaughan) will take place in Cork, Ireland from 21 to 25 August 2022. The meeting will be preceded by the junior ECS symposium (20 August 2022). During the course of January 2022, the registration page will be opened. Please check out the conference website
January, 2022
“Ion Channels & Cancer” Meeting in Lille
The team of Natacha Prevarskaya & Dimitra Gkika will organize the “Ion Channels & Cancer” Meeting in Lille, France from 26 to 29 September 2022. The meeting will include 1 ECS-organized Session and will have special registration fees for ECS members. The meeting will be organized in a hybrid manner. More information will become available on
January, 2022
ECS Webinars 2022
We will again start with online webinar series organized by Martin Bootman, Malene Brohus, Katja Rietdorf. The frequency will be 1 per month and the format has been updated. Each webinar will be given by a PI together with an early career researcher. The first webinar is planned for January 20th 2022 at 17:00 CET with a talk from Indu Ambudkar & Moaz Ahmad on “Cellular determinants and functional relevance of STIM2 clustering“ and “STIM2-IP3R communication co-ordinates cellular response at sub-threshold stimuli”.
January, 2022
Other Ca2+ conferences in 2022
Jonathan Soboloff & Beth Stutzmann will organize the 1st Gordon Research Conference on “Calcium Signaling” Four Points Sheraton/Holiday Inn Express in Ventura, California from 19 to 24 June 2022. More information: The preliminary program has been assembled; there will be 9 sessions including a keynote lecture by Richard Tsien, several short talks selected from posters, a Power Hour and many group activities scheduled over the course of the conference.
February 24, 2021
The ECS wishes to inform you about the PASIFIC program
The PASIFIC program offers excellent conditions for scientists with a PhD who would like to conduct research in Poland for two years. Potential applicants can choose any institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. This includes the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology where Prof. Kuźnicki's laboratory of Neurodegeneration is located. (
The program is dedicated to all type of research, but the calcium field is very popular in Poland, so several "Calcium people" could be eligible to get such a fellowship. Prof. Kuźnicki is of course highly interested in the applicant(s) who would like to consider coming to his lab.
The stay can be used as a postdoctoral training or the initiation of the independent career in Poland. During those two years the grantee can apply for additional grants from the National Science Centre and other funding institutions in Poland.
A first call opens March 15 (deadline June 30, 2021)
A second call opens September 15 (deadline December 30, 2021)
More information how to apply to PASIFIC with IIMCB at

October, 2021
The ECS mourns the loss of Annette Draeger, a highly visible scientist in the annexin field and a popular and very active member of our society who served for many years as a member of the ECS Scientific Board and also as Vice President.
Annette studied Medicine in Aachen and Hamburg with stints in Lausanne and Melbourne. Early-on she decided to pursue a scientific career and consequently chose postdoctoral stays at the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, the Institute of Pathology in Munich and the Austrian Academy of Science Institute of Molecular Biology in Salzburg. Driven by her stay in Vic Small’s group in Salzburg Annette developed a keen interest in membranes and actin cytoskeleton dynamics, topics that should remain at her heart ever since. In 1995 Annette moved on to become head of the Department of Cell Biology at the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Bern, where she continued and expanded her work on the membrane-associated actin cytoskeleton but also studied membrane dynamics in more general terms. This led to a number of seminal discoveries including the role of annexins as intracellular Calcium sensors that are recruited to raft-like membrane microdomains in response to Ca2+ elevation in a graded manner and then function in the cell-autonomous process of membrane wound resealing. Importantly, Annette’s work together with Eduard Babiychuk on cellular responses to bacterial membrane pore-forming toxins led to the discovery that engineered liposomes can sequester such toxins and thereby have a protective potential in severe invasive infections.
Annette will be remembered not only for her scientific contributions but also for her many other talents. She was an inspiring and open-minded leader who attracted talented and motivated young scientists and she taught her coworkers to develop new ideas off the beaten path. Her approach to science was always driven by curiosity and interest in a deeper understanding and not by following the popular trend. In the true meaning of the word she was a selfless and generous altruist always caring for her coworkers.
Annette died too young. She will be missed as a scientist, a mentor, a colleague and as a dear friend.
Volker Gerke, Münster
Stephen Moss, London
August, 2020
The calcium field lost another giant this year. David MacLennan, one of the outstanding biomedical scientists of Canada and the World, passed away on June 23rd, 2020. David was well known for his seminal work on the regulation of calcium and its implications to human health. He has made fundamental contributions to our understanding of the mechanism of Ca2+ transport by SERCA, the ryanodine receptor Ca2+ channel, and the storage of Ca2+ in the SR by calsequestrin and calreticulin.
David was born on July 3rd, 1937 in Swan River, Manitoba, Canada and completed his MSc and PhD in Biology with Harry Beevers at Purdue. He received his post-doctoral training with David Green at the University of Wisconsin and in 1969 David was recruited to Canada to the Banting and Best Department of Medical Research at the University of Toronto. David was, amongst other honors, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Fellow of the Royal Society (London), a Foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, an Officer of the Order of Canada and a recipient of the prestigious Gairdner Award (1991). He mentored a large network of outstanding scientists worldwide.
We lost a friend, a great scientist, and our mentor.
Text provided by Marek Michalak (Univ. Alberta, Canada)
February, 2020
The European Calcium Society is extremely sad to have to communicate the peaceful passing away this night at home of one of the most important members of the calcium community, Sir Michael Berridge.
Mike was not only an extraordinary scientist, who will always be remembered for his groundbreaking work on IP3 and IP3-induced Ca2+ release, and a great communicator but also a true gentleman and a strong supporter of the European Calcium Society, of which he was honorary member. Moreover, he will be remembered for supportive attitude towards the junior members of the calcium community and his friendly but always very insightful and perceptive questions and comments at scientific meetings, including at the ECS meetings he nearly always attended.
He will deeply be missed by all but never forgotten.
November, 2019
Focus paper
Focus paper about the activities of the ECS, linking the 2018 Hamburg Meeting to the 2019 ECS Coimbra Workshop and the 2020 Cork Meeting: